Final day, final entry.

The show, New Nationalism went very well. I presented a section of Vitamin C Kingdom series with 10 images of performance photographs titled Self Portraits (with Banana), 1 mixed media drawings framed in golden classic frame titled The King and 10 typography printed on orange cloths titled The Flags.

Apart from that I also did an action piece, not for the public but simply for study and camera, titled The Flag Bearer, under the Starfruit tree. Check out the performance documentations here.





This residency has made me think a lot regarding the construction of Vitamin C Kingdom. It started out as simply a series of performance photo, then using synthetic Vitamin C for drawing and also an impromptu action in Stockholm. 

The project then developed into the creation of The King and his Banana, followed by the curiosity towards Lachan Bachor, the Watchman and his Corn. And as I reached Manila, I discovered the potentiality of having The Dancer and his Saba, The Chef and his Canistel, The Barrel Man and his Cactus, and lastly, The Flagbearer and his Starfruit.

And as the project goes on, I am looking towards The Scientist and his Ginko, The Prince and his Pineapple, The Wizard and his Lemon and The Angry Centaur and his Paprika to be part of the Nautica crew.