Jonatan succeeds in stealing a piece of the Beast Rune as he is ordered by the guild. As he learns the power of the rune, he believes that it is best for the rune to be kept away. He travels south east and resides near an underwater tree with the companies of sharks.
Once in a while, he can not suppress the rune's power and as a completely different person, he turns into a dragon and attacks ship. Vassa is one of his victims and even within a very small part of him realizes that Rusky is on the ship, he can not regain control of his body.
Thinking he has killed his brother, Jonatan returns to Yggdrasill.
This chapter explores tragedy.
performance - Water Rune
installation - Seabed
drawings - Sjösjuk
drawings - Water Tableaux
drawings - Vantomen
drawings - Skärgård
photo - Sailors
photo - Älv