36 Stars of Heaven
Tenkai (天魁)
Hero (The Hero)
Tengou (天罡)
Rilliane (The Son of Evil)
Ten'yuu (天勇)
Frank Furter (The Sweet Transversite)
Ten'yuu (天雄)
Seiichiro (The Assassin)
Ten'ei (天英)
(The Wau)
Tenki (天貴)
Jtak (The Holy Priest)
Tenko (天孤)
Rokurokuroku (The BEAST)
Tenshou (天傷)
Cheng Ho (The Hisbiscus)
Ten'an (天暗)
Percival (The Grail)
Tenyuu (天祐)
Ten'i (天異)
Tensatsu (天殺)
Suro (The Berserker)
Tentai (天退)
Moses (The Exodus)
Tenju (天壽)
Cutty Flam (The Coca Cola)
Tenzai (天罪)
Tenson (天損)
Pandora (The Box)
Tensui (天慧)
(The Omega)
Tenbou (天暴)
(The Fisher King)
Tenki (天機)
(The Procedural Mistake)
Tenkan (天閒)
Nataku (The Lotus Prince)
Tenmou (天猛)
Ten'i (天威)
Subaru (The Omnyoji)
Tenfu (天富)
(The Magebane)
Tenmen (天滿)
Gudetama (The Lazy)
Tenritsu (天立)
Tenshou (天捷)
Tenkuu (天空)
Tensoku (天速)
(The Oblation)
Tenken (天劍)
Tenpei (天平)
Mechlee (The Door)
Tenpai (天敗)
Tenrou (天牢)
(The Alpha)
Tenkoku (天哭)
(The Sick King)
Tenkou (天巧)
Alexiel (The Servant of Evil)
72 Stars of Earth
Chikai (地魁)
Chisatsu (地煞)
(The Squid)
Chiyuu (地雄)
Bubba Joan (The Patient)
Chii (地威)
Byakuya (The Noble)
Chimou (地猛)
(The Red Mage)
Chibun (地文)
Chikou (地闔)
Jacob (The Laborer)
Chikyou (地強)
Trism bon Calvish (The Dragonknight)
Chikai (地會)
Gan (The Golden Body)
Chisa (地佐)
BMO (The Console)
Chiju (地獸)
Chibi (地微)
Liir Ko (The Son)
Chizen (地然)
Chishou (地猖)
Kensei (The Captain)
Chitai (地退)
Jake (The Dog)
Chiman (地滿)
Kakyou (The Dreamseer)
Chiin (地隱)
Chii (地異)
Lollipop (The Candy)
Chigaku (地樂)
Chishou (地捷)
Nemo Dakkar (The Nobody)
Chikei (地稽)
Gepetto (The Mastro)
Chima (地魔)
Chifuku (地伏)
Chihi (地僻)
Genbu Guilinggao (The Black Turtle)
Chizen (地全)
Imakuni (The Black Mouse)
Chitan (地短)
Daigoro (The Young)
Chizou (地囚)
Chihei (地平)
Judas Gaga (The Betrayal)
Chisatsu (地察)
(The Hydra)
Chiaku (地惡)
(The Cerberus)
Chiin (地陰)
Doge (The Inu)
Chikei (地刑)
(The Peasant)
Chiken (地健)
Chikou (地耗)
Thatch (The Archeologist)
Chiyuu (å°å)
Riff Raff (The Hunchback)
Chiketsu (地傑)
(The Tokyo Teddy Bear)
Chiei (地英)
Zenbonsakura (The Samurai)
Chiki (地奇)
Lan Jiao (The Blue Mage)
Chisei (地正)
Whishaw (The Linguist)
Chikatsu (地闊)
Savas (The Fit)
Chian (地暗)
Yojimbo (The Ronin)
Chifu (地輔)
Galahad (The Strong)
Chiyou (地佑)
Tazaemon (The Tailor)
Chirei (地靈)
Chikei (地慧)
Evelyn Cottrell (The Murderer)
Chibaku (地暴)
Eddie (The Delivery Boy)
Chikyou (地狂)
Hisagi (The Lieutenant)
Chihi (地飛)
Tokuemon (The Sake Brewer)
Chimei (地明)
Rocky (The Horror)
Chisin (地進)
Finn (The Human)
Chisui (地遂)
Chishuu (地周)
Kawai Camphor (The Intoxicated)
Chiri (地理)
Chishun (地俊)
Pinolo (The Tengu)
Chisoku (地速)
Chichin (地鎮)
Chiyou (地妖)
Garfield (The Reporter)
Chiyuu (地幽)
Levitt (The Investigator)
Chikuu (地空)
(The White Elephant)
Chiko (地孤)
Kintaro (The Sumo)
Chikaku (地角)
Kogoro (The Old)
Chishuu (地藏)
Chison (地損)
Gantz (The Engineer)
Chido (地奴)
Morhange (The Angel's Hair)
Chishuu (地丑)
Chisu (地數)
Moon Moon (The Wolf)
Chisou (地壯)
(The Caraboar)
Chiretsu (地劣)
Kai Khan (The Bathhouse)
Chizoku (地賊)
Chikou (地狗)
Xanax (The Deadly)